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Saturday, July 16, 2011 // 7:47 AM

New blog on ameba. Sorry, I am super inactive here. I rarely check my blogspot.
Please do visit my ameba if you'd like to exchange links. (^ U ^)

http://ameblo.jp/bbunnykoko/ | http://ameblo.jp/bbunnykoko/ | http://ameblo.jp/bbunnykoko/

Thank you. I'd appreciate it if talk to me there.

Monday, April 18, 2011 // 1:01 AM


Please do visit it. I'd appreciate it. ( * u * )/
I am inactive here. I'll close this blog for a while.
Ameba is easy to manage. I can blog everyday.

I update it almost everyday.
It's about my random rants and my daily life.
Do check it out.
It's my personal blog now.

▶ 7 days - Marie Ishikawa Lyrics
Thursday, March 24, 2011 // 4:06 AM

For Heiwa and for everybody ビックリマーク I translated this to romaji so you guys can sing along ニコ This is the song from Shibuhara Girls that can be watched in MTV. This song was sang by Marie Ishikawa. 心 Please give CREDITS to me. If you're gonna use it and put it in your own site. 目 Click the image to save or enlarge it. ニコニコ

I tried working on it in my notebook. You can see I also wrote it in Japanese. ぺこ But you know, my laptop doesn't have kanji so yeah. かお

Enjoy the lyrics. Remember to give credits. ラブ

▶ Shopping + Review
Monday, March 7, 2011 // 4:55 AM

Today was a tiring day. DASH! First of all, I buy some girly stuffs. ラブラブ And the stuffs I bought are purely awesome!! I mostly bought NEW make-up for me to enjoy.

Here's a picture of what I bought. 薔薇 I bought Nichido false eyelash glue. And it's 60 PHP 叫び Look how small it is. But I guess it's much more better than the Elianto glue.合格 I also bought Shawill Eyeliner and Shawill False Eyelash. べーっだ! Eyeliner is 69 PHP and the lashes without glue is 59 PHP. ドラえもん I also bought Femme Make-up Remover and Bunny Hair Clip. イチゴケーキ

That's just Batch one にひひ So here are the others. Sorry if I censored my real name on my starbucks. シラー Seriously, many peolple already know my real name. ぐぅぐぅ

Here, I bought Watsons deep cleansing nose pore tape. It's 119 PHP. I'm recognizing the appearance of my blackheads. むかっメラメラ I also bought a Bench/ Organics Wet Tissue for 30 PHP as well as a Hand Sanitizer for 45 PHP. ニコニコ And I bought Nichido Final Powder for 150 PHP and Shawill Lipgloss for 89 PHP. きらきら!!

The Nichido Final Powder is just perfect for what I'm looking for. 目 It makes me look more 合格 pretty on camera. !? Try to buy and use Nichido Final Powder. ニコ Promise it'll look awesome キラキラ

Look at my lips. キスマーク How many times have I wet my lips yet it doesn't come off. PLUS it's super glossy. 薔薇 I'm loving Shawill Lipgloss. It is actually water nourishing. Wハート You won't regret it if you buy it. ラブラブ!

▶ Latest Video of Me.
Saturday, March 5, 2011 // 8:08 AM

▶ Gyaru Pictures
Wednesday, March 2, 2011 // 2:07 AM

▶ How to do Gyaru make-up.
// 12:58 AM

Here it is! Here is my GYARU make-up tutorial !! LOVE I'm sorry if I didn't make a video, because I'm afraid myconnection can't carry the video to the internet. ガクリ So I'll start with the steps: 目

FiRST: Begin with a clear face. And then apply a primer to your eyes. イチゴケーキ Primer will help the make-up last longer. 音譜 I start off with a clear eyes. And PS, I didn't use double eyelid. My eyelids are natural. キラキラ

SECOND: Color your eye lid with gold or bronze. きらきら!! Try experimenting to stroke or apply eye shadow. I'm not good at eyeshadows. 汗 But I still experimented. にひひ The product I used is in the bottom of the picture. DASH!

THiRD: Next, try mixing or blending other colors near to gold. Like orange. I used deep gold. ぺこ Be sure to really blend it. 蝶々

FOURTH: Apply black eyeliner. 合格 Use thin if your eyelid is big. Use thick if your eyelids are like those Korean girls. キスマーク
Tip: If you don't know how to use liquid eyeliner, try tracing the pencil. I use that trick everytime. じゅる・・

FIFTH: And last, of course, you wouldn't be a gyaru without fake eye lashes. 好 Be sure it's not so very close to your eyes for it will hurt. むかっ If you have excess glue, cover them with eyeliner. にゃ

The picture of before, after and result. キティちゃん Promise, I'll blog some of my pictures taken when having this make-up. Before I took photos, I curled my hair, well I just set it. But promise, I'll post my gyaru make-up to my next post. リラックマ
I'm still editing the pictures. ニコニコ

The girl who is trap
in her dreams.

▶ W E L C O M E

Welcome to my blog! о(ж>▽<)y ☆ The girl's name is Courtney!

FEEL FREE to explore my blog. And feel free to tag me and leave messages in my tagboard. (-^□^-)/


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▶ C A L E N D A R

▶ W E B M I S T R E S S
Courtney Za COURT: You can call me Chiruu or Zee. Speak in English. I super duper love BUNNIES ♥ . I love ice creams especially cookies & cream. I'm an Otaku-whore. I'm forever loving Usui Takumi. I'm always a busy person. And I'm a loli-shota. I am a proud camwhore. I love to eat alot! I'm currently living here over the rainbow. I'm shy at first but gets loud when you get to know me.

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▶ T A L K


▶ A S K


▶ F . A . Q.
Q.: What's your ethnicity?
Ans.: Asian.

Q.: How old are you?
Ans.: I am 15.

Q.: Who made your layout?
Ans.: I did it.

Q.: Can I have your layout? Or can I have the codes?
Ans.: No. It took me an hour to make this.

Q.: Why did you move your blog to ameba?
Ans.: Because blogging in ameba is way easier (for me) rather than blogspot. ♥ Q.: Can I exchange links with you in ameba?
Ans.: Yes you can. I have a tagboard there so do leave a message.

Q.: How'd you sign up in Ameba if the language is different?
Ans.: I know how to read in japanese.

▶ D A R L i N K S


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