Here it is! Here is my GYARU make-up tutorial I'm sorry if I didn't make a video, because I'm afraid myconnection can't carry the video to the internet. So I'll start with the steps:
FiRST: Begin with a clear face. And then apply a primer to your eyes. Primer will help the make-up last longer. I start off with a clear eyes. And PS, I didn't use double eyelid. My eyelids are natural.
SECOND: Color your eye lid with gold or bronze. Try experimenting to stroke or apply eye shadow. I'm not good at eyeshadows. But I still experimented. The product I used is in the bottom of the picture.
THiRD: Next, try mixing or blending other colors near to gold. Like orange. I used deep gold. Be sure to really blend it.
FOURTH: Apply black eyeliner. Use thin if your eyelid is big. Use thick if your eyelids are like those Korean girls. Tip: If you don't know how to use liquid eyeliner, try tracing the pencil. I use that trick everytime.
FIFTH: And last, of course, you wouldn't be a gyaru without fake eye lashes. Be sure it's not so very close to your eyes for it will hurt. If you have excess glue, cover them with eyeliner.
The picture of before, after and result. Promise, I'll blog some of my pictures taken when having this make-up. Before I took photos, I curled my hair, well I just set it. But promise, I'll post my gyaru make-up to my next post. I'm still editing the pictures.
The girl who is trap in her dreams.
▶ W E L C O M E
Welcome to my blog! о(ж>▽<)y ☆ The girl's name is Courtney!
FEEL FREE to explore my blog. And feel free to tag me and leave messages in my tagboard. (-^□^-)/
COURT: You can call me Chiruu or Zee. Speak in English. I super duper love BUNNIES ♥ . I love ice creams especially cookies & cream. I'm an Otaku-whore. I'm forever loving Usui Takumi. I'm always a busy person. And I'm a loli-shota. I am a proud camwhore. I love to eat alot! I'm currently living here over the rainbow. I'm shy at first but gets loud when you get to know me.
♥ Q.: Can I have your layout? Or can I have the codes?
★ Ans.: No. It took me an hour to make this.
♥ Q.: Why did you move your blog to ameba?
★ Ans.: Because blogging in ameba is way easier (for me) rather than blogspot.
♥ Q.: Can I exchange links with you in ameba?
★ Ans.: Yes you can. I have a tagboard there so do leave a message.
♥ Q.: How'd you sign up in Ameba if the language is different?
★ Ans.: I know how to read in japanese.