私は自分の携帯電話が嫌い!I am so sorry minna ~ . I CANNOT post my pictures here in the internet or in Facebook ! gomen nasai minna . Well , my PH phone got no 'bluetooth' nor memory card so that phones purpose is to take pics only . You can atleast wait 'till I got back home and post some pictures . Well , if my cousins will allow to use their phones with infrared && bluetooth , I might post `nee . まだ傾ける。 Can everyone wait ? Don't worry , I know some thinks i am ugly demo , i am UGLY ~^.^~ Its hard to prove your beautiful so why not say you ugly ? its not that hard to prove *laughs* XD
Im going minna ~ I play Sims3 world adventure ~^0^~ sayonara `nee .
The girl who is trap in her dreams.
▶ W E L C O M E
Welcome to my blog! о(ж>▽<)y ☆ The girl's name is Courtney!
FEEL FREE to explore my blog. And feel free to tag me and leave messages in my tagboard. (-^□^-)/
COURT: You can call me Chiruu or Zee. Speak in English. I super duper love BUNNIES ♥ . I love ice creams especially cookies & cream. I'm an Otaku-whore. I'm forever loving Usui Takumi. I'm always a busy person. And I'm a loli-shota. I am a proud camwhore. I love to eat alot! I'm currently living here over the rainbow. I'm shy at first but gets loud when you get to know me.
♥ Q.: Can I have your layout? Or can I have the codes?
★ Ans.: No. It took me an hour to make this.
♥ Q.: Why did you move your blog to ameba?
★ Ans.: Because blogging in ameba is way easier (for me) rather than blogspot.
♥ Q.: Can I exchange links with you in ameba?
★ Ans.: Yes you can. I have a tagboard there so do leave a message.
♥ Q.: How'd you sign up in Ameba if the language is different?
★ Ans.: I know how to read in japanese.